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Jan minutes 07

Pat Curtin, Chairperson
Mike Kapnis, Vice Chairperson
MaryAnn Curtin
James Shea
Laura Swanson

The Park and Recreation Commission held its meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2007 at 6:45 P.M. at the Council on Aging, Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                ABSENT:                                                         
James Shea                              
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                  
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson   


Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the minutes from December 2006 meeting, with the corrections made.  
James Shea seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson                   

Recognizing Eagle Scouts and their projects
Jack McCarthy – Waterfront Park
Nate Dibble – Pickman Park
Sam Dibble – March Street Playground
The Commission presented them with plaques to show their appreciation for all their hard work and dedication to the City.  

Dr. Curtin made a motion to grant these three eagle scouts golf junior passes for the 2007 season.  Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson                   

Officers for 2007
Laura Swanson made a motion to nominate Mike Kapnis as Chairperson for 2007.  James Shea seconded. Discussion.   Laura Swanson made a motion to nominate Mike Kapnis as Chairperson for a year or completion of his term, May 07.  James Shea seconded.  
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin                              
Laura Swanson                   Mary Ann Curtin
                                Mike Kapnis

Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to nominate Dr. Curtin to serve as Chairperson for the calendar year of 2007.  Laura Swanson seconded. Discussion.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Pat Curtin                      James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin          Laura Swanson                                   
Michael Kapnis

Laura Swanson made a motion for an immediate reconsideration for a unanimous vote.  All in favor.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Laura Swanson made a motion to nominate James Shea for Vice chairperson.  No seconded.  No vote.

Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to nominate Mike Kapnis for Vice Chairperson.

James Shea made a motion to nominate Laura Swanson for Vice Chairperson.  Laura Swanson declined the nomination.

Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to nominate Mike Kapnis for Vice Chairperson for the calendar year 2007.  James Shea seconded.  
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson
Laura Swanson made a motion that the Chair and or Vice Chairperson will serve a term for the calendar year, or the completion of the term within the calendar year.  Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin                              
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson


John Goff – Pioneer Village presentation
Ø       several new grants
Ø       new reproofing
Ø       partnerships
Ø       outreach groups
Ø       business plan will be done by March

Eagle Scout Project
Ø       building dugouts
Ø       replace missing wigwams

Mr. Goff discussed new fundraising, new nonprofit organizations, and the Friends of Forest River Park that is starting an organization.   2007 is the 100th year of Forest River Park.
Mr. Goff introduced David Goss, Biff Michaud, and other supporters all who would like to volunteer their time and help with the Village.

Gordon College received a grant for the students to work at the Village, and for their period clothing.  This will help the students get hands on experience, and the opportunity to be museum professionals.  The Grant was $50,000.00.   Portions of it will pay for the period clothing, and to pay the students for their work at the village.

Leif Rochna – Pioneer Village
Mr. Rochna was present to request that the Commission go out for an R.F.P. for the Pioneer Village.  He is very interested in the Village.  
The Commission thanked everyone involved for attending.  

Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to extend John Goff’s lease for Pioneer Village for one year, and to put it out for an R.F.P. as of May 1, 2008.  Laura Swanson seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Pat Curtin                      James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Applications – Rental / Usage Approval
Request for Camp Naumkeag – Andruszkiewicz Fund
James Shea made a motion to approve the request for the use of the Camp Naumkeag for their fundraising event.  Laura Swanson seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Communications and Correspondence
James Shea made a motion to accept the following waivered tournaments for 2007.
·       Stephen O’Grady Foundation              Monday August 20, 2007
·       Jeff Morris Tournament                  Monday August 27, 2007
·       Salem High School Golf Team             Monday July 30, 2007
Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to write a letter to the City Council stating that the Park and Recreation Commission supports the Community Preservation Act, not in excess of one percent, and as long as there are matching funds available.  Mike Kapnis seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Dr. Curtin suggested that Doug Bollen move back into the Mack Park house.  Laura Swanson stated that they need a long term solution.  
James Shea made a motion to go out for an R.F.P. for Mack Park house.  Doug Bollen will work on the R.F.P. and attach the usages recommended by the Mayor.  Laura Swanson seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson


Dottie Tracy – retirement
Golf Cart lease – Country Club Carts – 70% back including an ADA cart
Recreation Report
Inventory conducted by Open Space and Recreation Committee
Willows bathrooms – Doug Bollen is meeting with the Mayor to discuss renovating.

New Business

Letter to youth leagues for CORI check
Mary Ann Curtin made a motion to send letters to the Youth Sports Leagues requiring that they send a confirmation letter to the Commission stating that they have received their CORI checks.  Anyone who does not respond to this request will not be permitted to use any field, per the Park and Recreation Commission.  Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Pat Curtin made a motion to reconsider the motion regarding the nonresident parking stickers.  Laura Swanson stated that you can’t reconsider a motion unless you had a role in the motion, and you only do it with the next day.  Discussion:  Robert Rules.

Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the business sticker pass presented by Doug Bollen.  Business Pass for Winter Island only, $150.00 per pass, one pass per business (hotels, bed and breakfasts) allowed.   This pass will be an annual pass.  Peak is April – Nov.  Any lost passes can only be obtained with purchased replacement passes.  The pass will be a laminated letter form with the City seal.  
James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                      Pat Curtin                                                                              
Michael Kapnis          Mary Curtin
Laura Swanson

Top 3 Open Space and Recreation Priorities
Winter Island
Camp Naumkeag
Fort Lee

Laura Swanson made a motion to invite the Friends of Forest River to the next meeting to see what the Commission can do to help with the fundraising.  Mike Kapnis seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson


The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at the City Hall Annex 120 Washington Street, 3rd floor.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Laura Swanson made a motion to adjourn. Mike Kapnis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                                          
James Shea                                                      
Pat Curtin
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Michael Kapnis
Laura Swanson

Colleen A. Thibodeau